It has become obvious that many members of our community failed community relations 101. At this time, even though these messages needed to be aired, it is time to quit. Both, if in fact there are just two sides, have had adequate opportunities to state their positions. Unfortunately, some, smug in the knowledge that their position is the only one that counts, have gone beyond polite debate to throwing rocks at each other. The sad part is that when adults become children, nothing good can come of that kind of behavior. That we have extremists in our community is obvious. The correct way to remedy that though, is to replace them with thoughtful people that are not ego oriented.
Let's head into Bayview Daze with a little positive attitude. If further debate is necessary, we need to put it aside while our community celebrates not only yet another year's Independence Day, but also our very own centennial.
There will be no more comments accepted on the editorial by ski. It has gone far enough, in fact too far. If anything positive has come out of this debate, it is that many feel the DAC has gone too far and has to be reined in. Either that, or as it started out, become a free standing organization without dragging the Chamber down with it.
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7 years ago