Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Herb Jr Visit

It occurred to both of us that most people in Bayview didn't know anything about my family. So I am going to enlighten you.

First, I have four children.  Two guys and two girls. They, like their father, turned into Jackrabbits, producing I think eighteen grandchildren. The oldest are now procreating great-grandchildren.

So yes, I have a family. Herb Jr turned 52 while he was here. The entire community went wow, 'cause I was just an unattached old guy. My son was well received throughout his stay, which was gratifying. I thank you all for that.

Next time you wish to judge an old man alone, remember we still ache, want, remember and sometimes we want the ability to do things over. Unfortunately, there are no mulligans in life. We have earned where we are, good and bad by the decisions we make back in our twenties and thirties.

One can only hope that the Lord will give me some slack. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Bayview Water & Sewer

Bayview Water and Sewer District
Location: Bayview Water & Sewer District office
16401 E. Emerson Drive Bayview, Idaho 83803
3:30 PM Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Approval of Agenda  IC 74-204 (4)c- An agenda may be amended after the start of a meeting upon a motion that states the reason the agenda item was not included in the original agenda posting.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Bayview Water & Sewer Election

The are some fine candidates for the board running in May. Not to disparage the others, two stand out from the field. Board president Richard Doney took over during the tumultuous period following the death of Chuck Waller and straightened things our quickly. Prior boards were the fiefdom of Waller. He appointed all of the board members without an election.

During the period ending last Winter, Bayview Water & Sewer didn't even have bylaws. That was fixed by Robyn Edwards who isn't well know yet here in Bayview, but she used to run another Water district and was able to provide  sample bylaws that fit well, so that with minor changes, we didn't have to start from scratch.

Both of these candidates are superior  to most others in our area. This is a hard choice, since the other candidates have long contributed to our community, but this isn't about personalities, it's about experience.

I also recommend that a change in the bylaws making holding office limited to Bayview and Cape Horn residents that are registered here to vote.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Flip Flopping

The left seems to enjoy using terms that are a cousin to name calling, which they have long enjoyed. Recently, they have accused the president of flip flopping on policy issues. This is clearly a pejorative term which tends to imply that President Trump cannot make up his mind on a number of issues.

Objectively, we have a president who has never held public office. He was like a kid with his nose pressed against the window of a candy store.

When he was elected, the realities hit. Actions had to be taken where before, theories abounded. This is called on the job training.That he has enough intellect to modify his previous theories is a plus. A positive, not a negative. Reality will do that to all but the most stubborn.

My goal has already been reached. We have a new Supreme Court Justice. Not a legislator in a black robe. There are rumors that there might be another vacancy in the near future. Anything he does after that is gravy.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fox News

With the departure of Meghan Kelly and Bill Oreilly, the two most popular hosts, Fox is not looking good.

This alleged misbehavior has not given us details. While perhaps suggestive comments are not polite, they don't add up to m illions of dollars damage. Something isn't right here.

Kelly has now debunked that she left for NBC. She said recently Fox declined to renew her contract.

Wouldn't it be ironic if both Kelly and O'Reilly ended up on the same network.

That there is a Fox in the hen house is probable.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dead Heading Crews

The United fiasco of last week not only shouldn't have, it didn't even need to. It runs out that American had a flight that left for the same destination one hour later. The media of course, didn't check whether there was room on that flight. But even if there weren't, they could have charted a lear or even drove the crew, only a four hour drive.

What really torques my jaws though is the sloppy coverage both the print and television media handled the crises. They consistently mixed the terms "over booking," with the reality, which was dead heading a crew. Over booking, in the contract covering a ticket, allows an airline the right to bump ticketed passengers BEFORE THEY BOARD. Once seated, they cannot.

The press constantly referred to over booking, which was not the issue. I blame very poor journalistic practices for the confusion. Poor fact finding, erroneous reporting was apparently caused by trying to beat the other outlets, even if their information was wrong, and it was.

Even dredging up the victim's legal problems was wrong. That had no beating on the cause and effect of the activities. I predict a large lawsuit settlement followed by some congressional oversight rule changes. If the airlines cannot be customer friendly, then government intervention will require it.

The skies are no longer friendly. How sad. One good thing that may occur is that after the dragging incident, over booking may never be a problem for United again.Perhaps we need to re-regulate them, as their freedom didn't get the desired effect.On a lighter note, I thought you would enjoy this related clip Ray Stevens recorded a few years ago.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Back In The Saddle Again

Years ago when I was a lad, we had singing cowboys. Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were two of the most successful. Gene Autry's theme song was "Back in the saddle again."

Well, someone remembered I used to write feature stories for the Spokesman Review. This lasted about five years up to the time the paper divorced North Idaho. I learned later, that between Athol and Bayview, 60 subscribers cancelled, presumably to subscribe to the Coeur d'Alene Press.

A couple of days ago I was contacted by the press, asking if I would be willing to write a monthly column. I immediately agreed to do so. My first column will probably be in the May issue around the third week of the month.

If  you know of a story that would interest others, call me at 208-683-9107 or e-mail me at bayviewherb@gmail.com

I am pumped. If I haven't lost the touch, you soon will read about people and events around our community. We may be rural, but we will have a voice. I'm back in the saddle again. 

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Legality of Syrian Attack

Several members of Congress, the noisiest being Senator Rand Paul have stated the President acting as he did, was unconstitutional. He is factually wrong. Read the following:

the War Powers Act. BrE. a US law passed in 1973 which allows Congress to limit the President's use of military forces. It states that the President must tell Congress within 48 hours if he sends armed forces anywhere, and Congress must give approval for them to stay there for more than 90 days.

This means Trump could have invaded if he chose, unless congress disapproved, for up to 90 days. How about toning down the negative rhetoric and just sticking to the facts.

None of the usual cable and/or broadcast news sources have brought this up.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

New Iraq Policies

For the last 8 years, our country has been run by an avowed pacifist. His only weapon was drawing red lines.This has led to other countries such as Russia, Syria and other players that have correctly labeled the U.S. as Cowards. This creates a license for trouble makers to expand their activities.

Today, those who have wondered about President Trump's ability to first, listen to his senior advisers in  the military, and secondly, assert the United States power when felt it necessary.

What we have in reserve, are some of the former Ohio Class Missile subs which were converted to massive numbers of Tomahawk missiles. I don't know where they are deployed, but they certainly are not effective in Puget Sound.

The balancing point here is what can we do, what effect will these attacks and what possible retaliation will be probable and from where. In all of the wars this country has been involved going back to WW1, there were only two sides. Coalitions were formed, but in Iraq and Syria there are numbers of groups that are working at cross purposes with each other with mixed directions and allies.

I am proud to back a strong president that will truly make us great again. We have had two pacifist presidents have have reeked havoc on our country. Carter and now Obama. We have rearmed and recovered from these disasters, but at huge cost to catch up to where we were before these presidents dismantled our military and naval strengths.

The beast is loose in Syria and only his removal will make possible to reunite this broken state. 

Monday, April 03, 2017

Zags Came Short

I believe that Gonzaga played better over all than NC. The difference looked to be first time pressure,  If you look a Shem missing short under the basket shots that he normally made, I think , I hate to use the term choked, but considering the usual shooting skills were absent, I think the difference was pressure.

Now about next year, we look great. If nobody goes pro, we have Collins, an able substitute for Shem. We only lose to starters to graduation with a great bench. Do not be surprised if the Zags end up in the final four next year too. 

They just missed too many open shots.