I am glad that I will probably die in the next few years. The parents that populated San Francisco in the 1960's with pot, free love and radical political positions, have spawned a generation of anti-American radicals that are now running our country into the ground. These radicals now are grandchildren of the '60's radicals
While anti-Vietnam rallies were probably the largest harm to this country, their spawn is even worse. They have been raised by those weirdos from the 1960's.
Enter the riots in eastern cities in the east, like Baltimore, Missouri and others Now, instead of blaming black criminals for the deaths when shot by police, the leftist press is making the officer the villain, while protecting the communities they serve.
Segue to the present and we have football players, most who are bringing down millions in pay, feel oppressed. How anyone can feel sorry for players that have taken advantage of our system and with great effort climbed the hill of success then claim they are downtrodden.
I have been a Seahawks fan since I attended their first game in 1976. No longer. This team, management and ownership have chose political correctness, (read leftist agenda) over honoring our flag and trashing old fashioned patriotism.
How about being straight up here and naming it a fake issue.
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7 years ago