A recent comment which probably was deliberately obtuse, suggested that while he/she gloried in attacking me in the comments section, (not published) it wasn't his/her fault, since her/his system wouldn't let them publish their names.
Again, I salute the new board, which has come on board with a mission to united the community. If anyone wishes to consider this as a criticism, go for it.
So that everyone understands, there are three ways one can comment. By open, (name to be inserted)by url, those with blogs and anonymous, as shown below:
A recent comment which probably was deliberately obtuse, suggested that while he/she gloried in attacking me in the comments section, (not published) it wasn't his/her fault, since her/his system wouldn't let them publish their names.
This person was taking exception to my remarks in "New broom Sweeps clean." In that post, I railed against those that hate their neighbor, or acts churlish about marina owners that contribute to the community then are not even thanked. I was raised in a way and in an era, that even if you don't agree with someone, you still recognize a friendly gesture. Somehow, this was translated into "everything was the outgoing Chamber board's fault. I did not say those things. These were jumps that probably revealed guilty feelings. The noise that resonates throughout this community has wider ownership than that. I have exposed some horrible mistakes made by some, but only after they refused to remedy the problems themselves. No, last year's board had it's problems, especially with getting along with people. Still, they did some good as well.
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It must be pointed out that this person's excuse for not identifying themselves was due to the inability of his company computer to do so is trash and doesn't deserve any more than trashy response. Once into the comment section of a blog, only the blog's rules apply. No operating system can interfere with this once in.
This was of course a knuckle dragging excuse not to reveal themselves. I have said this before, and I will repeat it once more. This is my forum.
Since it is mine, I get to make the rules. First and foremost, is the no attack rule. You do not use my blog to flog me. You want to do that? start your own.
I do, however, allow people to disagree with me. To do so, however, you must sign your own name to the comment, just as I do when I write the blog. I have never hid any opinion behind an anonymous name, and never will. If you hate enough to chastise me and my principles, please have the basic courage to name yourself. Most cowards cannot force themselves to this point, but I thought it bore mentioning.
In the old code of the west, at least until the internet was born, it was customary for people wish serious disagreements to step out into the street, sometimes with fatal results. Well, times have changed, and much for the better, still, to hide behind a fake name, or none at all is blatant cowardice of a moral kind.
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7 years ago
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