Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bayview's Centennial

Although Bayview isn't incorporated, the town was platted in 1910. A very active committee is working on projects to celebrate this date by using this year's Bayview Daze as a kickoff for the coming event.

One very special effort is the pictorial review of our history which is hot off the press. I got my first copy today and read all the way through the 83 pages. This fine work was compiled by Peter Balbi and Linda Hackbarth with the help of about 50 contributors. The book is available through Linda if you call 208-683-3468 or by checking on line at: www.bayviewhs.com. The introductory price is $20.00 and it is absolutely worth every penny. Linda will also mail your copy for a $3 dollar charge.

There will be a booth from which the book can be purchased at the Bayview Daze street fair, also. Subsequent sales will be at a higher price at various commercial locations. Speaking of Bayview Daze, it's getting real close, so make your plans to be in Bayview before 10:30 am Saturday, July 4th for the parade, followed by the street fair and at dusk a lighted boat parade. Rumor has it that the navy stealth destroyer will be in the parade, but then you won't be able to see it, will you? The grand finally of course, is the gigantic largest fireworks display seen anywhere in the state. Your attendance is required.

On a cautionary note, Timberlake Fire District is going to be strictly enforcing fireworks regulations, especially those that fly, such as roman candles and such. These devices are extremely dangerous around marinas and boats in general. There always are a few that will light off loud explosive devices. These, every year cause the loss and or death of several pets. Dogs will run in a straight line panicked to the point they don't know where they are and can't find their way back home. Some will go running down a pier, where they can drown. That also happened a few years ago. Keep the dogs secured or chance loosing your pet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I send my pups to be babysat. The fireworks drive them nuts and I do not want to give them tranquilizers. The folks at Kickapoo are wonderful and very caring. That way I can enjoy my fourth and I do not have to worry about my critters.

Norma Jean