Sunday, November 15, 2020

More unconstitutional activity by Washington Gov

 Today, Washington Governor Inslee issued some unilateral rulings regarding gatherings, including relatives from out of state gathering with friends and relatives from out of state, requiring as I understand it, a two week quarantine before being allowed.

Here is a part of the US constution regarding interstate commerce:

Commerce clause, provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 8) that authorizes Congress “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes.” The commerce clause has traditionally been interpreted both as a grant of positive authority to Congress and as an .unique power to regulate travel between states.
"This spike puts us in a more dangerous a position as we were in March,” Inslee said during a press conference Sunday. “And it means, unfortunately, the time has come to reinstate restrictions on activities statewide to preserve the public’s well-being, and to save lives. These were very difficult decisions that have very real consequences to people’s livelihoods. I recognize that and don’t take those impacts lightly, but we must act now and act quickly to slow the spread of this disease.”

This act by a dictitorial governor is unconstutional. Look for federal lawsuits to be filed immediately.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Racial Prejudice

 It seems to me that prejudice was quite tame until the Obama era, and possibly stoked by Obama himself.

Let's look at today. You cannot watch television comercials without noticing that every one of them has peple of color in them. Print ads same same, There are more opportunities today for Black people that ever before.

Meanwhile, "Black Lives Matters" and other radical groups are rioting, burning and destroying busnesses because a cop in the mid-west killed a black person. So why are people rioting in Oregon and Seattle when the disaster happened in an upper midwest state. This has to be prejudice in reverse and appears to have the purpose of destroying our governmental structure.