Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Lying Bastards at Verizon

We in Bayview nave been lied to. We were made to believe that we would have a tower in the spring of 2018. Then we were told we had to wait until the ground dried out. Now we are told it won't happen in 2019. We are a resort destination with thousands of your customers summering here.Many, tired of empty promises, are opting to go to other places to recreate.

But the most serious consequences are those of us than terminated our landlines in anticipation of your service. ou are in a position to cause deaths if those such as I, age 80, die because we couldn't call for help. If that happens, you better alert your legal dept.  because there will definitively be consequences.
Your reputation is teetering on the edge and we intend go publicize your perfidy.

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