Thursday, September 29, 2016


Small towns, such as Bayview ebbs and flows emotionally just like individuals. I haven't posted much recently, because I'm depressed.

Depressed that we lost a beautiful young girl of 6 years, and depressed along with most of us, ins sympathy with the survivors. Lives have been turned upside down, relationships negatively affected, and the horror just keeps building for all of us that know the families involved.

It doesn't just end with a lifetime sentence of guilt and mourning. Soon we will see law enforcement add legal guilt to that already felt by all involved.

Bayview is collectively saddened by the reverberations that are occurring and will continue to occur. A young moth's life is in ruins and the Kootenai County Prosecutor will probably drive the last nail into that life. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

NFL Football

The warm weather going away triggered a metamorphosis. The floating patio has forced air heating, three flat screen TV's a Thursday/Monday night menu and more. They have transformed the sun drenched deck off Summer months to an indoor Sports Bar.

Not to leave the Captain's Wheel out, they also sport three flat screen TV's and know where to find football on them.

The patio has back the manager, Amber Graves after a week of mourning and funeral activities for her niece. It is to the Karupiah's credit, Chan and Teresa, that they understood and allowed her time to get back together. They held her job open until she was ready to return. A class act. Amber and sister, Brittney were awed by the community support they received and wish to thank everyone for their support.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

WSU Football

Coach Leach has two problems. One, he solved by solidifying his relationship with his players. The second though, is by taking the word of his players that they are always innocent of felonious behavior he has alienated the community and fans across the state of Washington.

Football teams and it's players have several things in common. First the are usually large, aggressive and live on a social pedestal. Secondly, they hang together and support each other. On the field of play, this is normal and desirable. Out carousing late in the evening, that is not desirable at all.

Coach Leach, instead of lecturing his players about such things as behavior and curfews, consuming alcohol and or drugs as violations of their scholarships and team rules, he instead berates the police for "picking" on his players. The problem of charging players is that if one assaults  someone, five of his teammates say in unison, that isn't what happened.

Well, like much of the racial protesting, it is possible that there are more athletes causing trouble than those that are not, as in crime stats show minorities commit more crime than other races and that it is the police that are at the blame for incarcerating more minorities than their population percentages warrant.  There is a glaring parallel here.

To sum up, not only is coach Leach not leading a winning program, he isn't training his guys to be good citizens either. His tenure at Beer U is now very at risk. He no longer has the backing of the community or the alums.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pain Medications

That opiates or drugs derived from Opium are being abused, is a given. Still, in a throw the baby out with the bath water ruling, the Center for Disease Control has published guidelines for the prescribing of these drugs. Each state is a law unto itself in this matter, but all pain clinics and doctors are being urged to comply.

What we will get it this trend is realized, that in yet another bureaucratic move not approved by congress nor recommended by the president, is a massive crime wave where pharmacies will have to fort up and drug thefts will soar. Those unable to obtain pain medication from the black market, Writhing in pain, will send the suicide rate into orbit.

This is not the answer. Extreme measures will cause more damage than the currently addicted. In many cases, chronic pain that cannot be reversed would justify addiction as the lesser of two evils.


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Adilynn, R.I.P.

Yesterday, a tragic car wreck took the life of Adilynn, daughter of Brittney Johnson who works with her sister, Amber Graves, at the Floating Patio in Bayview.

There is nothing we can do to bring her back, but for a time, both employees of the Patio are going to have their incomes affected. If you want to help, put  a few bucks in an envelope and drop it off either at the Patio, or the Scenic Bay Office, of mail your donation to Scenic Bay Marina, PO Box 770, Bayview, Idaho 83803

I cannot imagine a deeper tragedy than losing one's child. Please pray for all of the affected in this terrible event.