Back in the day, researchers used to examine new evidence collectively until they reached a provable conclusion.
Today, a conclusion is reached politically, then research begins with the goal of proving the point already reached. Here are some examples of politically driven science:
Global Warming. Like this is the first time our planet earth has heated and cooled without our help. Scientists that are politically driven do not give one minute to the study of whether the phenomenon is natural or not. It is preconceived. Apparently the periodic ice ages and the warming trends are being ignored. They don't fit the conclusion first reached. How about the animals frozen for centuries in glaciers that when stomach contents are examined, tropical or sub-tropical plants are found.
Reintroduction of predators. Sounds great, right? Bring back the balance nature once controlled. Problem? People that need to be fed are here in large numbers now. Reading every day, about how fish and game and politicians are attempting to find ways whereby wolves and cougars can coexist with domestic livestock. They can't. Predators cannot be taught that slow moving cows and sheep should be ignored while being allowed to decimate the deer and elk herds that also feed people. Anyone remember when the U.S. Government, in the pursuit of ranching, paid bounties on wolves, cougars and other predators?
Forestry practices. Here again, tree huggers ignore solutions for healthy forest management, because of the foregone conclusion that cutting any tree for any reason is wrong. Extremists are a necessary force for improvement. Having said that, it is the compromise between opposite views that produce real progress. Cleaner water, air many other horrors from the past were reversed by extremists. Just don't let them get a majority.
Folks, we live in a period where the inmates are running the asylums and our politicians are bowing down to the extremists that start with conclusions and end up with lame research.
(picture from google)
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7 years ago
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