Friday, December 30, 2005

Conversation with Kathleen Parker, Columnist

This is an exchange I had with Kathleen Parker, columnist with the Orlando Sentinel in reference to her put down column of bloggers. HDH
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Blogs
Date: 12/30/2005 5:08:01 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Don't feel betrayed. I spotted you for a philosopher. (That's why I used that word - to give enough space to include all of those smart bloggers out there who don't fall into a particular category) And, of course, not all bloggers are alike, just as not all of us journalists are part of the smear known as the MSM. Some bloggers, in fact, are fabulous and I've written extensively about them. But the mob mentality of the blogosphere is troubling and good bloggers ought to recognize that. I suspect many do. Among the many differences, which I should have mentioned, is that bloggers (so far) don't get sued for defamation, libel and slander and are not held to the standards professional journalists are. When we mess up, we are unemployed and unemployable. Perhaps, too, you have to have seen your own head on that stick a few times to know of what I have written.

All best,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 1:28 AM
Subject: Blogs

Ah, Kathleen, I feel betrayed. I am a blogger, with a three year high school journalism education. I don't rightly know whether I'm into narcissism or just a bore. What I think I am, is a senior citizen that has seen much, lived much, and possibly has something to share.

I read your columns in the Spokesman-Review, which is located in Spokane, Washington. I live in a little town called Bayview, in Idaho, about 70 miles from Spokane.

My blog covers everything from what I call humor,world events, and local stuff. Just two hours ago, the night reporter for the Spokesman-Review called me to check out a breaking story here in Bayview.

I recognize that there are many infantile bloggers that just want to see their four letter words in print. I'm not one of them.

We have a guy, Dave Oliveria, Associate Editor for the Spokesman-Review, that has an on-line column called "Huckleberries". (A local thing) He links to other blogs, (mine included)

The best away to check me out is to log on to my blog, either independently, or through the

Mine is

I am, if you bother to check further, a moderately conservative guy, and think a lot along the lines that you write. Please don't lump us serious amateurs with the screwballs.

Herb Huseland
Bayview, Idaho


stebbijo said...

Philosopher Herb:

I must be in the screwball category?

I am an unemployed temp -- it can't get much worse. I will work on a defamation suit -- then I will be a famous blogger! That will be one of my resolutions for the New Year!

I don't think there is a "mob mentality" in the blogosphere. That is not true. I interact on Blog Explosion -- it is wonderful and over 32,000 of us! The only time they warn anyone, is if you offer to take Muslims hunting.

Charge the SR a fee next time they call Herb! This blogging has got to make money some way!

Happy New Year!

Mari Meehan said...

Hooray for you Herb! Mike handed me Parker's column with his eyebrows raised and asked if the shoe fit. His answer was "the look"!

Kudos for pointing out Dave's site. I still think it is unique among blogs. We who participate get our thoughts and ideas out far more than we would without him. And I think it will continue to grow and be refined and be taken more and more seriously as more bloggers and journalists discover it. I think we're fortunate to be part of it.

Word Tosser said...

Good job, Herb....