Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pete Peightal 1938-2007

I'm going to share some of the stories that I have written for the Spokesman-Review for the benefit of those that didn't catch the print version:

Sons of the Pioneers are leaving us these days. No, not the Country singers. We are talking about the old guard residents that logged, mined, built roads, created the infrastructure that we enjoy today. Rough around the edges doesn’t even start to describe these folks. Today, we are going to talk about such a man that passed away recently.

A party was held recently, at the Vista Bay Marina where his Daughter, Debbie works. Most folks in these circumstances would hold a wake, or memorial service. Pete wouldn’t have stood still for that. He would have wanted one last great party where the last person standing would hoist a toast to his memory, just before crawling out the door. We didn’t stay long enough to determine if the outcome was such, but a packed house of “Who’s Who” of Bayview and surrounding area filled the room with stories, pictures, scrapbooks.

Pete was a hard worker, a hard drinker and in his younger days, a hard scrapper. He never backed off from a challenge, whether physical, or a neighbor in need. Pete Peightal gave, then gave some more. When the old Bayview School house was torn down because the foundation was judged to be unstable, he labored for days to take that stubborn building to the ground. Like Pete, the school house was tough too. When gravel was needed for the new Community Center rising in it’s place, Pete donated it from the gravel pit that he operated. When any neighborhood project needed some help, he was there.

Some of the stories that were alleged Saturday were highly entertaining. One was about a septic system that he had installed out on Cape Horn. The owner supposedly refused to pay for the job. Rather than placing a lien on the property, he just climbed back up on his backhoe, drove out to the site and proceeded to destroy all that he had built. He wasn’t much for lawyers. He took the direct approach.

When Vista Bay Marina Docks caught fire and burned to the water in 1977, Pete was out there rebuilding them. Then there was the time that Pete was backing a boat and trailer down the boat launch in Bayview. About halfway down, the hitch broke, causing the boat and trailer to go sailing perfectly down to the water, ending up perfectly moored a foot from the dock. His friend, Pat Dow, was heard to remark that it was the best he’d ever done.

The only sadness we saw at Vista Bay that day, was Pete’s Blue Heeler, Bart, walking up to everyone as they mingled, looking for the master that hadn’t come home yet. You see, Pete’s Daughter, Debbie, couldn’t get the dog to stay home. She was all he had left and he followed her around slavishly, not letting her out of his sight.

In another sad note, we reported a story about three surviving ladies that had operated the Athol Fire Department in the ‘60s. That story was published June 21 with a picture of Joreen Bohn and Marie Allen, fire engine driver, age 93. Marie died July 11. The picture and story can be found in my blog, posted June 15. She was quite a gal ...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Biker Invasion

In excess of 100 Motorcycles turned this quiet little village into a mini-Sturgess Saturday, as seven or 8 minutes of single file motorcycles roared into town. The Captain's Wheel hosted the outsized group for lunch, which taxed the facility greatly, as over 150 people wanted service at the same time. The only excitement was an EMT call for a bee sting allergy, oh, and the hard working staff at the Wheel putting out record numbers of lunches and other refreshments.

Two hours later, most were gone, leaving only the ones that were enjoying the setting left, too laid back to continue on to wherever the next stop was planned. One could imagine the Town giving a great sigh as normality returned.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fire Claims Storage Shed

A Sunday afternoon fire consumed the 38X36 foot storage shed of Will and Connie Collins, Located on Perimeter Road in Bayview. Lost were two snowmobiles, a Harley, an ATV and a 14 foot boat and motor. The Timberlake fire dept. promptly answered the call with an assist from Spirit Lake which provided a tanker truck.

A large assist was credited to Dave Vig, who cranked up his backhoe to assist the fire department in tearing into the burning structure. After the fire was almost out, Will was heard to say, "It's just stuff. It can all be replaced. We are just glad nobody got hurt."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pete Peightal 1938-2007

A celebration of Pete Peightal's life was hosted by his Daughter, Debbie, Saturday at Vista Bay Marina. One of the most colorful characters in Bayview history, most of old time Bayview residents turned out for the pot luck lunch. Aside from the great food, stories abounded about Pete. His lifestyle was profane, he played hard and worked even harder.

Most stories about Pete were of the humorous variety. But one theme was dominate, It was his generosity. It would appear that Pete never said no to someone or organization that needed help. Professionally an excavation contractor, he owned his own gravel pit and screening equipment. Most community raffles would include a truck load of gravel, donated, of course.

Pete was a throwback to the old days of hard drinking, hard working, hell raising. Much of the infrastructure in Bayview and surrounding areas were built, or contributed to by Pete. The only sad face in the room at the celebration was of his Blue Heeler, Bart. He walked up to each and every person, sniffing as if trying to find Pete. He wouln't let Debbie out of sight, not wanting to lose the only anchor he had left. Pete, you will be missed.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Bluegrass Festival

For those of you that remember the last Sandpoint, Idaho Bluegrass Festival, it was held in 1990 at the fairgrounds. The lead group was a bunch of unbelievable pickers that called themselves "The Seldom Scene." Well they are only seldom seen here in the Inland Northwest. This group plays all over the country in just about any venue that none of the band members have outstanding warrants.

For the first time since '90, this group is going to play at a festival near here. Medical Lake at City Park is hosting a killer Festival August 10-11-12. The lead group? Who else. The Seldom Scene will be heard from Sunday at 3:00 PM, but there will be several very good Bluegrass groups the rest of the weekend. I'll be there, for sure.

For detailed information on the other acts, or the "Scene," check their web site, Seldomscene.com, or just google the name.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bayview Daze, Revisited

Now that we have had a few days to recover from the big weekend, a number of thoughts occur. First and foremost, the retirement of Liz Justus and Lorraine Landwehr, parade directors for the last 26 years. This was their last dance. In the future, they will help only in an advisory role. The passing of the torch will find younger folks to carry on.

Fireworks fund raising was a success and met all goals. Both participating commercial and individual efforts were superb.

The picture above, is interesting, with myself as Master of Ceremonies, Suzy Orth to sing the National Anthem, Parade Judges; Sheryl Puckett, Margaret Nelson and Paul Ziegler. But wait! There is one more person on the reviewing stand. Drummer, Steve Cripe, wanting a good seat, grabbed two milk cases from the Mercantile, hoisted himself up to the rear of the truck and hid in plain sight, the rest of us none the wiser. I guess he figured that drummers normally sit at the back of the band, so he felt comfy there. With the exception that we don't know any normal drummers, of course.

Speaking of the reviewing stand, it is a must that we recognize the great contribution that the U.S. Navy makes, year after year. The truck and sound system for the parade. Parking for the booking bus for the Sheriff Department and the loan of a barge for the fireworks display. If we had asked for more, I'm reasonably sure that the Navy would have stepped up. Onward and upward. It's time to plan for next year.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Best Intentions

I have had great highs this week, and today, a great low. In an attempt to acknowledge the generous contribution of Chan on behalf of Scenic Bay Marina, I felt it necessary to acknowledge the even greater contribution from Jim and Gary MacDonald. I will print an excerpt from the e-mail I received, then try to explain what my motives were. I am, regardless of my blog and/or my print column, an amateur writer. As such, sometimes, nuances get away from me. I received the following from a well meaning person, and friend of Jim and Gary MacDonald.

"What I don't understand is why you also take the opportunity to take cheep shot at MacDonalds.
Do you have any idea just how many years MacDonalds have put into the fireworks and how much time, money and effort that takes. They just don't take the time to brag about it, they just do it.
Obviously, you don't have a clue of what it takes to put on the fireworks.
Wouldn't it be great if all you had to do was through some money at it and, bamo, you have a fireworks show.
Gary and Jim have seen your blog, guess how happy they are with you right now.
You just through the baby out with the bath water.
In my opinion Herb, you are way out of line."

I'm not printing the name of the author, just because he interpreted my words differently than I intended.

When I received the donation from Chan Karupiah, I felt I couldn't praise him without acknowledging the great contributions of the MacDonald family. I wrote that Gary MacDonald raised over $5000.00 from their customers. Apparently, I was misinterpreted to the point where someone thought that I was comparing the out-of-pocket expenditure of Scenic Bay Marina, to MacDonald's only collecting from customers, not withstanding the fact that the Macdonald contribution more than doubled that of The former.

No slight was intended. I just felt that I couldn't name one large contributor and not another.

Small nuances, apparently, taken in a negative way, can be misinterpreted. I have, in the past week, tried to give more of myself to community activities than in the past. It turns out that getting active can be a mine field of conflicting ideas, motives and good/bad will.

I can only say that given more time and space, I would have pointed out that for many years, Jim MacDonald and his son, Gary have given over that period, more to this community than anyone I know. They started the fireworks, and for many years paid for them out of pocket. Gary and later, Kevin Elmore, had to attend pyrotechnics school to become licensed to buy and use sophisticated fireworks.

No one or even five families have given more to this community. I don't know how many others misinterpreted my limited remarks as being cheap shots, but if you did, you are so wrong. I have the highest regard for Jim and Gary MacDonald. I was going to cover this in depth later in my print column. It may not be necessary because I have apparently done so, here.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Festivities, Bayview Style

Bayview Daze is over. The crowds are gone. It is so quiet all across the bay, you could hear a pin drop. Monday. The fireworks were spectacular, as usual. Parade and street fair went off well with no difficulties, although with Liz and Lorraine running the show, it usually is smooth. This is their last year at the helm. Ralph Jones did a great job supervisng over all.

Chan Karupiah, of JD's and Scenic Bay Marinas stepped up with a $2000 donation out of his pocket, while others, like MacDonald's, raised over $5000 from their customers. Two young ladies stole the fund raising show, however, buttonholing everyone in sight for donations. We don't have the exact amount yet, but we believe that they are the individual champs.

An unverified account, revealed several arrests for unruly behavior late Saturday Night. Apparently, the "visiting Fireman" condition still applies. Yours truly had a great time acting as Master of Ceremonies for the parade, Saturday Morning. I am entertaining my brother, Stan Huseland, and his wife, Marilyn this week, so I had a chance to show off for my older brother.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Words of Wisdom

I received these quotes as an E-Mail this Morning. Since they weren't sent as a comment on the blog, I won't reveal the sender's names. I'm not sure whether they were a criticism of me or just words to guide by. In any event, here are the quotes:

"It doesn't matter whether inaccurate information is intentionally or accidentally put in our paths, we have the obligation to know that something is accurate before we repeat it. And it doesn't matter whether the slander is directed at friends or enemies. " John Tartaro
Otherwise we are merely proving the accuracy of another quotation, this one from Mark Twain:
"It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you to the heart; the one to slander you and the other to get the news to you."

In other good news, Chan, owner of JD's Resort and Scenic Bay Resort, dropped by to offer a substantial donation to the Chamber Fireworks Fund. I accepted, on behalf of an appreciative community.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Bayview Boat Parade

A last minute decision to go ahead with the boat parade this year was approved. Unfortunately, not many know about it. If you have a boat in the water in Bayview, and especially if it is decorated, join the others at the Bitter End Marina at or before 9:00 pm Saturday nite for the fun, then sit out to watch the fine fireworks display that will occur about 10:00 pm ...

We have been informed by Charlene, proprietor of the Bayview Liquor Store, that the issue that popped up a few days ago regarding a breach between her business and Waterford Park Marinas was a misunderstanding and doesn't want the impression that she is froze out to continue. We are happy that everything is alright, and back to what we in Bayview call normal.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Anonymous Crawls Out From Rock

Several times recently, we have received anonymous comments from apparently one person. That person started out by attacking the personal character of Jim Brady, Regional enforcement manger for Idaho Department of lands. Since it was a personal attack, and unsigned I deleted it. The difference, is that when we attack someone, it is for what they have done or said, and I always sign my name to these comments.

To single out another person for chastisement, which I suspect originates from an employee of Waterford,and do it behind the cloak of anonymity, is a cowardly act. I allowed the latest comment, because it was pointed at me, and I am using it to make a point. This is not a chat room on the Internet where anything goes. I am publisher, editor and opinion writer for this on line publication.

Freedom of speech includes all of those rights, as long as I don't deliberately falsify an alleged fact. Freedom not to read this is or not, should be obvious. We don't mind anonymous commenter's, as long as they realize that by not signing their name, they give up the right to be heard if I so deem it necessary.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Waterford Park Marinas, LLC Retaliates

Today's news from Bayview, includes two incidents relating to Waterford Park Homes, LLC and the five pup llc's. First was the approach of Ralph Jones, Bayview Chamber Fund Raising Chairman for the Bayview Daze Activities to Tina Arendt, Business Manager for the Waterford Park Marinas. In the past, all five business gave freely to the fund, knowing that benefit accrued to all. Jones tells us that when asked what amount Waterford Park Marina would be pledging, he was told emphatically that it would be none. Since children read this column, we won't quote the exact language, but it was reported to be emphatic and profane.

What makes this so very strange, is that Waterford Park Marina has sent out a newsletter strongly implying heavy participation. Apparently, with the controversy surrounding the activities of these businesses, Waterford Park has decided to shun the entire community, which of course, only makes it official, since they haven't exactly been great citizens in the first place.

This of course suggests that no business relationship will continue between Holland's enterprises and the surrounding community. We say fine! It works both ways, Baby ... It would appear while tourists will still visit these establishments, it is likely that a community wide boycott will ensue. Oh, and Happy Fourth of July to the rest of you.

Vanishing Lake Blamed on Global Warming.

The story from Chili in the Andes, points out that melt water from a nearby glacier over filled a lake, which then broke though an Ice Dam, thereby draining the lake.

This kind of sounded familiar. Where had I seen this phenomena before? Aha! Yes! The exact same thing happened to Lake Missoula twelve thousand years ago. Say, you don't suppose that the Earth has natural cycles, do you? Nah, it wouldn't fit political profiles which of course would be blasphemy.

We treat ancient glaciers that covered most of North American and Europe as an anomaly, when actually they have extended and retreated many times in Earth's history. The current global warming trend could be considered started when Lake Missoula let loose, which as stated above,happened quite a while back ...

Monday, July 02, 2007


>This was received from Dave Morrow, a long time resident of Bayview. I would like to feature it here.>
> We must never forget who gets the credit for the freedoms we have, of which we
should be eternally grateful.
> I watched the flag pass by one day,
> It fluttered in the breeze.
> A young Marine saluted it,
> And then he stood at ease.

> I looked at him in uniform
> So young, so tall, so proud,
> With hair cut square and eyes alert
> He'd stand out in any crowd.
> I thought how many men like him
> Had fallen through the years.
> How many died on foreign soil
> How many mothers' tears?
> How many pilots' planes shot down?
> How many died at sea
> How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
> No, freedom isn't free.
> I heard the sound of Taps one night,
> When everything was still,
> I listened to the bugler play
> And felt a sudden chill.
> I wondered just how many times
> That Taps had meant "Amen,"
> When a flag had draped a coffin.
> Of a brother or a friend. >
> I thought of all the children,
> Of the mothers and the wives,
> Of fathers, sons and husbands
> With interrupted lives.
> I thought about a graveyard
> At the bottom of the sea
> Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
> No, freedom isn't free.
> Enjoy Your Freedom &God Bless Our Troops Wherever they are.

Bayview Daze Are Here Again

Bayview Daze are approaching. This weekend starting with the street fair Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 6-7-8. Saturday is the big day with a street parade starting at 11:00 am and lasting around 30 minutes, depending on how many things go right. Parking is a real problem in Bayview, so if you want to get close, come early. Streets will be blocked off at 10:30am. There are always a few boaters that don't get the word that become restive behind the road blocks. If you are one on those, don't plan on arriving between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.

Following the days events, Saturday night will be a hastily organized boat parade at 9:00 pm followed be fireworks at 10:00 pm. Boaters from outside the area must remember that the entire Scenic Bay is in a no wake zone, and speed must be held at or under 5 MPH. Parking in front of the Mercantile will be coned off Friday night so that the space will be available to the judges stand for the parade. Live Music will be happening all over town, with the only onnounced bands being outside at the Wheel with Southern Comfort from 4-8, followed by the No Jugs Band inside from 8 pm on.

Jackrabbit Massage is opening a Bayview location which will be next to JD's Resort, open Mondays only. As an introduction to the community, AJ Hair, Certified Massage Therapist will set up for free chair massages, July 7 only, at Ralph's Coffee Shop.
AJ has another location in Coeur d'Alene in the Salon Bella Dona at 211 Lakeside Ave.

Regular hours on Mondays will be 10am to 8pm. Call 683-3758 for appointments.

For those of you that are parade addicts,don't forget the fourth of July parade in Spirit Lake which will kick off at 11:00 am, Wednesday, July 4th. We urge all of our visitors to remember that most fireworks are illegal and police will enforce these rules vigorously, as well as the Lake area of Scenic Bay.