In an unbelievable turn of events, Idaho Fish & Game went behind the backs of local residents to circumvent a court ordered shutdown of Farragut State Park's plans for reactivating a World War Two known distance shooting range, effectively closed since 1945, with the exception of the occasional shooter, sighting in a rifle prior to hunting season.
The small village of Bayview sits surrounded by Farragut State Park on two sides. Perimeter Road goes by the proposed shooting range site within rock throwing distance. Noise from demonstrations of small arms fire are heard and objected to from areas several miles away, due to the echo effect of the hills surrounding the park.
Two years ago, a small band of determined citizens pooled their resources along with a local attorney to sue the state, asking that the creation of a "World Class Firing Range" be prohibited on the grounds that noise levels would be prohibitive to the peace and tranquility of the community as well as the safety, with the occasional errant bullet whizzing around. In addition to the rifle range, plans were put forth for a trap and skeet shooting area. While in theory, rifle noise could be baffled, there is no way to baffle or contain shotgun blasts. This facility is unwanted, unneeded and a public nuisance.
That the carefully observant activists in this area didn't get a peep from any source until this measure passed both houses is unbelievable. That Senator Mike Jorgenson of Hayden can't equate citizen voters with the neighbors suing the State is unfortunate. One suspects a vigorous election cycle this time around. Apparently, stealth and Big Daddy Government are still alive and well here in Idaho.
I have added this comment to the body of the post, because it is so enlightening, I didn't want IT to pass under the radar:
Bill McCrory has left a new comment on your post "Shooting Range, Dejavu":
Henderson voted "aye" on the bill! What's that load of BS he gave you?
The bill went to Resources and Conservation on Feb 13 and came out of committee on Feb 20.
No, not under the radar. It's been available on the legislative website. People just need to pay attention to what the hired help in Boise is doing. That's why the lobbyists get the big bucks and the taxpayers get screwed.
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7 years ago
Is this the bill you're talking about: H0515 IDAHO OUTDOOR SPORT SHOOTING RANGE ACT?
That would be the one. Somehow, under the radar, without committee review, this was slid through without any publicity at all. Frank Henderson of the House, told me he'd never heard of the bill and thought the issue had died two years ago.
Henderson voted "aye" on the bill! What's that load of BS he gave you?
The bill went to Resources and Conservation on Feb 13 and came out of committee on Feb 20.
No, not under the radar. It's been available on the legislative website. People just need to pay attention to what the hired help in Boise is doing. That's why the lobbyists get the big bucks and the taxpayers get screwed.
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