A celebration of Pete Peightal's life was hosted by his Daughter, Debbie, Saturday at Vista Bay Marina. One of the most colorful characters in Bayview history, most of old time Bayview residents turned out for the pot luck lunch. Aside from the great food, stories abounded about Pete. His lifestyle was profane, he played hard and worked even harder.
Most stories about Pete were of the humorous variety. But one theme was dominate, It was his generosity. It would appear that Pete never said no to someone or organization that needed help. Professionally an excavation contractor, he owned his own gravel pit and screening equipment. Most community raffles would include a truck load of gravel, donated, of course.
Pete was a throwback to the old days of hard drinking, hard working, hell raising. Much of the infrastructure in Bayview and surrounding areas were built, or contributed to by Pete. The only sad face in the room at the celebration was of his Blue Heeler, Bart. He walked up to each and every person, sniffing as if trying to find Pete. He wouln't let Debbie out of sight, not wanting to lose the only anchor he had left. Pete, you will be missed.
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7 years ago
1 comment:
Nice post, Herb. I didn't know Pete but it sounds like he was quite a guy. And the part about the blue heeler just about broke my heart. Awww...
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