For those of you that have followed the saga of Yvonne since the senseless hammer attack of December 20, 2010, here's what has happened and will happen in the future. This is where it happened.
Having been hit savagely on the head with a hammer, she received a depressed scull fracture. The affected bone was removed and a plate installed in it's place. Infection set in and caused more lengthy treatment. She now has to wear a helmet, since part of her skull has been remored and hasn't been replaced yet.
She was driven to Seattle August 17 or this year. Three outpatient sessions with University of Washington doctors and technicians followed Wednesday, August 17, with an additional appointment Thursday. Friday was was admitted to Surgery at 6:00 am for neurosurgery assisted with plastic surgery to pull skin and flesh over the hole. The previous plate was removed and the cement around it also.
That was followed by intense antibiotics, administered by IV. Finally, after a week in recovery, she was released to Life Care Center in Coeur d' Alene, where she received two weeks more of IV antibiotics administered through what is called a pic line, which is a semi-permanent path into her veins, so that repeated treatments can be given.
She is now at home, where a few friends and neighbors have volunteered and were trained to give those treatments twice a day, for probably the next six weeks. Assuming that the infection will be beaten by then, she will be transported back to the University of Washington for a permanent plate to be installed. Nothing is guaranteed. She is still in a life threatening condition and without great care, could fail to survive.
Somehow the money spent for the first trip to Seattle, which exceeded $500 must be spent again. Neither she nor the folks in the community that helped out of their own pockets can afford to sponsor the trip alone. If you can help, please respond privately to me at or at 683-9107. Checks may be sent to PO Box 884, Bayview, ID 83803
Larry Cragun, the man that apparently went berserk and perpetrated the attack, is in the Kootenai County Jail awaiting trial for Murder, attempted murder and probably a few other crimes as well. Patricia Heath, Yvonne's daughter-in-law, was killed in that attack. The trial is set for January 3, 2012.