Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Aftermath (Newsroom Bloodbath)

I am stunned. I thought about the original estimates of a few. (I figured two North Idaho reporters.) I think of all the times I sail into the newsroom, stop to say Hi to the Bureau Chief, Scott Maben, sally over to the photo department, where Jesse Tinsley seemingly effortlessly creates prize winning photos, and also helps an overage reporter improve his photos.

Then, after a quick Quack at Meghann, on to my honorary Granddaughter, Taryn Hecker. Paula Davenport steps on my stories, I love her anyway. Some of the others, I know casually, but these people that I have named, have carved a spot in my heart, and they know it.

I can't hurt as much as my friends at the newsroom, but I'm a close second to Steve Smith, the Guy that cares a lot, and can't show it publicly. As a correspondent, I hurt even worse than most.

You see, it was the mentoring and helpfulness of these fine people, people that knew for every article that I wrote, it chipped away at their job security. I hurt for Taryn, my buddy at all times. Fortunatley, she will bounce back rapidly, and at her age, probably to a better future. I hurt for Boo & Goo. One more sour apple thrust upon their lives.

For those of you that still think I am a bloodsucking outlaw, I can only say this to you. When I run across a news story that is breaking, or I feel too close to the story to be objective, I immediately call Scott Maben with the information so that he can assign a reporter to the story. I have done this numerous times since I started writing for the S/R. Likewise, when the news department gets a tip that doesn't fit the breaking news department, they refer it on to me. We have had a close cooperative relationship. One that I hope continues.

I don't know how the correspondent gig will play out. I have always wanted to write, and when I got my chance I went for it. I am also of the same mind of those that criticize the correspondent program, except as previously stated by former journalism teacher, Marianne Love, neighborhood correspondents came before the fully staffed bureaus. Yes, I feel guilty. I liked all of those that were laid off.

How can I walk back into the newsroom without giving a loud QUACK in Meghann's direction.

I grieve for those that I could never even hold their sandals.As a correspondent, that was pretty much all of them.

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