I just wrote a description of a great scouting adventure at Farragut over the weekend, in the comments at Huckleberries on line. They had their annual Klondike Derby. I wallowed up there Friday Night, visited with some of the officials, then headed back to Bayview for the Mid-Winter beach party at the Captain's Wheel. I met some very nice people at the party. One lady in particular caught my eye.
Later, I was able to speak with the organizers of this event. Just think about it, you parents. 541 Scouts, 100 volunteers, and 60 staff, all spread out over 50 or so acres of deep snow. If that wasn't a Klondike experience, then I don't know what would be.
The above picture, is when I was a tyke and a Cub Scout. Back then we didn't have Weblos, just cubs. I think I held the rank of Wolf, or Bear, oh heck, it's been too many years. I was, however, the proud holder of the Life badge. I didn't make Eagle, since the resouces of my troop weren't sufficient to give us those hard to get badges. The picture, as you can see, is in black and white. We didn't have color back then. This picture was taken by my Mom, long deceased, with a Kodak brownie. I have to admit that even after all these years, mentioning Mom, brought tears to my eyes.
Herb, as a general I think the rank of Eagle was reserved for Boy Scouts not Cub Scouts.
What a great picture, you have kissy lips LOL
All me lads have been scouts etc.... at one time, I broke a record in this village, actually we think it might of been a country record LOL
I have all 4 of me lads in different age groups....
Jacob was a Beaver...
Sam was a Cub...
Tom was a Scout...
Ben was a Venture...
Our local village groups are the best in the south of england for such a small village, we are the envy of all the towns etc that surround us, we are tight knit group and do things socially together.... its all about the lads.....we dont/cant except lads from outside the village cos we need the spaces for our own, and we dont accept girls like most other groups have to now, cos we feel in this village that the girls have rainbows and guides and all those girlie things, and it would be unfair if a girl took a much needed place that a lad might need.... unfair maybe, but tough tittie LOL
Aha! NJ caught me in an incomplete story. I was first a cut, then a boy scout, then an explorer, and even took a flyer at sea scouts. I left people thinking eagle was a rank in the cubs. It is only available to boy scouts and explorers.
I raised three boys, or one caould say they raised me. Spent seven years in the Boy Scouts as Treasurer. I asked my daughter who happened to be the oldest child if she wanted to join Girl Scouts, her reply was ... nah the Boy Scouts have more fun!
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