One of the thoughts that I have had as I have reviewed my memories, is that when the whole Groene story broke, and with a picture of the house, I remembered taking a blond lady home to that location on several occasions. I think that it probably wasn't her, but I don't know that.
I just know that it was probably 1992, and the fare was usually from Betas on East Sherman. This had been bothering me some.
I have taken young ladies home after a casual date has taken from them and cast them aside, where the tears were shed with me. I have counselled enough pissed off husbands, wives, and significant others to open a Psychiatry practice, if it weren't for my lack of education.
If it weren't for the poverty pay, and the long hours of boredom, it would have actually been a great job. I think that from time to time, I did the right thing at the right time, and I'm comfortable with that.
There are of course things that I can't and won't talk about, as they could harm good people that are still out there. The suspected hard drug dens, and dealers...
We were providers of a service that included many people of questionable or downright decadent behavior. Some we knew of, many we just suspected. The rule was, see no evil, speak no evil, and just motor on...
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7 years ago
It's hard to say if the job shaped the man you are today or the man you are shaped what you made of the job. Either way it's a win for the community.
Probably some of both...
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