Our annual Christmas Party kicked off last Sunday with a big Pot-luck dinner, and entertainment provided for by James Adams. Special guest performer was Slim Dossey, Country Music Hall of Famer, and local resident. Slim, now 89 years old, is growing weak, and wasn't sure he could sing, or remember the words, and wondered if he could try sitting in a chair while performing.
Well, that didn't play out. As soon as he approached the stage, (standing up) he reverted to the old trouper that he is. As he started to step up on the stage, his Son, Jim, was heard to say, "don''t try it, Dad!" Slim Dossey, always performed these 65 plus years from a stage, and wasn't going to quit now. He needed a little help, but once he got up there, you couldn't stop him. Formerly with the Son's of the Pioneers, and other groups, he performed some tunes from the past, such as, Cool Water, and others. After three songs, he stepped down to a huge round of applause.
Long time performer, Slim played with Gene Autry, and pretty much everyone that was anyone in Country Music, back in the forties and fifties. Tex Williams, Autry, The Son's of the Pioneers, the list goes on and on. Slim Dossey made our day. James can be heard at the Garwood Saloon, week-ends.
Very cool, Herb. I remember hearing Slim play when I was a kid. How cool. Sorry I missed it.
Merry Christmas if I don't see you before then.
trying to find sharon dossey Im an old friend greg orr if anyone has a way to reach her. 406 570 4904. Sharon is Slims daughter.
Greg, if you e-mail me so that I can e-mail you a phone number, I think I can help you. send it to hhuseland@aol.com
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