Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Watching the lake come up rapidly, and with reports that downstream of Albeni Falls Dam, there is flooding, I decided to ask the experts at the dam.

First, they informed me that the high country snow pack is still 125% of normal, with rivers running full. Secondly, the prediction is still with Mother Nature. If temperatures suddenly get hot, yes we will have a lake flood. On the other hand if temps stay lower, and with current night temps below freezing in the high mountain regions, probably not.we'll know in about two weeks.

We are at about 2061.0 now with full pool at 2062.5 I was here when the national guard was called out in 1997. Now that, was a flood. Float houses drifted off with the water topping the pilings. Docks went visiting other docks. 

 I ran across a post that I featured in 2011 when we last flooded.

Here is the link:

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