For those in the main stream media that constantly harp on Idaho's past brush with a scattered few Nazi types, Bite me. The true spirit of Idahoans surfaced late this week, as the news that our local food bank had been burgled. A security camera caught views of two or more young people, just after 4:00 am, Thursday Morning. Entering the office for the day, Athol City Clerk, Charlotte Hooper, found to her dismay, three doors broken into. With the key apparently in a place that was discovered by the punks, they opened the safe and took all the cash and approximately $3500 worth of Fred Meyer shopping cards, all activated. That was then, this is now.
As of my last available report, Kootenai County Sheriff's Department had in custody, one of the alleged perpetrators, with knowledge of the others involved. Their Christmas will be spent in jail.
When the news broke, Thursday, donations started to trickle in. By Friday, it was a torrent. People drove for miles to either go Christmas shopping for the people that were to depend on the missing gifts, or to drop off money. I sat and watched as one after the other, folks waited patiently in line behind those waiting for assistance. When one man's turn came, he handed Charlotte Hooper, Food Bank director, two crisp one hundred dollar bills, turned on his heel and walked out of the office. Some were the Who's Who of our area, some were kids that wanted to give back, and everyone in between.
Silverwood Theme Park donated an amount equal to the estimated stolen cards, plus two pallets of stuffed toys and t-shirts. The Shoshone County Sheriff's Department, took the seats out of a prisoner delivery van, filled it with things they had gathered for local people and drove it all down to Athol. Rathdrum Food Bank donated $1000 worth of food. This my friends, is the real North Idaho.
By the end of office hours Friday, donations had totaled over $15,000 in the two days following the break-in. At this writing, I have mused that in all probability, the givers were the biggest winners. To those nose high in the air, Eastern reporters and editors that think we are all knuckle dragging, mouth breathers here in our part of the Country? Again, Bite Me!
Herb, It's Christmas, that should be, BITE ME, Ho, Ho, Ho! ;)
I stand corrected. Bit Me, Ho Ho Ho.
(nappy deleted)
I betcha the Grinch is cringing because he could not stop the spirit of North Idaho and the locals of the area. What a wonderful end to a disturbing story. Makes me proud of where and with whom I share this area.
Just sign me, Norma Jean
We have unconfirmed reports that the four individuals that were involved in the crime, have, at this time been apprehended. We suspect that the courts are not going to be inclined toward mercy. They will all spend Christmas in Jail, which is as it should be.
I want to send the perps a jar of vasoline and a tube of lipstick!
I hope they need to use in jail!
I hope you and Bubba have a fun time on Christmas.
Herb, after seeing the photos of the "alleged" (yeah, right) perps on the front page of the Press, I was shocked to realize I knew the mother/ son pair of criminals, back from my drug-using and -dealing days. And lemme tell you, the woman in particular is one sorry specimen. She was known far and wide as "Crazy Angie" who would do anything and everything to get her next hit of meth. I personally was privy to her thievery- she stole drugs and jewelry right out of my purse, and I remember many more incidences of the same. Not that this makes me any sort of a victim- laying with dogs, of course I deserved the fleas. But perhaps this will shed some light as to her character. I'm sure she hasn't changed, and although I would love to say that maybe with treatment, she would be a better person, unfortunately I don't feel that way at all. In her case, I think the best thing by far will be for her to go to prison for a long, long time, where she can't hurt anyone else. She;s a hard case who has sadly brought her son up to be the addict and criminal he is too. For him, maybe there's hope. But she's so far gone I think getting the book thrown at her will be the best for all.
I'm so happy that your community rallied around the needy and proved that a few bad apples couldn't spoil Christmas for all.
Hope you and yours had a great holiday.
I am Married to this drug addicts ex husband and we have custody of angelas daughter. After years of fighting in the courts because for some reason angie can talk her way out of every thing she has ever done. She is trying to use a mental problem to get out of this one. She wrote my step daughter from jail begging her to find someone to get her out of jail and laying a guilt trip on her. she is a horrible evil person that I wish to god would finally get hers it is so hard to raise a good teenager with that bitches influence on my 14 yr old step daughter. Angela will probably just get probation for this she has told my step daughter she is dieing and her son dale is dieing to what a great mom!! we are trying to get her visitation of her daughter taking from her if any one out there has any more info that might help us with this please let me know.thank you Nichole G
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